Gen. Simon G. Griffin
Auxiliary 11-SUVCW
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Welcome To Our Home Page
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visitor to this site since Nov. 14, 2001.

Site updated July 27, 2002.

OUR APOLOGIES: this site was severely damaged early on July 27. Many key links, polls, special links, the entire roster with surface and e-mail addresses and more were erased from the html code in file manager. You may not find the information as stated. We apologize for the inconvenience and are are working to re-install the information. Check back again, or e-mail us with your questions. THANK YOU!!!

This site is updated regularly. We hope to entertain, educate and involve all who visit. There are two topical polls near the bottom of this page--please, vote & leave a comment. There is also an online application link.

Throughout the site, references are made to membership, purpose, goals and principles of the Order and our own Griffin Auxilary 11 events and activities. You will find contacts and links, photos and text. You will learn about Auxiliary 11, the National Auxiliary, Griffin Camp 10, and National Sons and the other groups comprising the Allied Orders from the Civil War era. There is really a lot to cover!
About Us
Ours is a patriotic/educational/charitable Order. Our printed brochure explains in detail our PRINCIPLES, PURPOSES AND ACTIVITIES. Essentially, we recognize the service and sacrifice of our ancestors to preserve the Union, as well as honoring the sacrifice of all our Nation's veterans. We hold true allegiance to our government, respect and preserve the Constitution and Laws of the land, and oppose anything that would tend to weaken loyalty, or the efficiency and permanancy of this country.

Further, our activities are designed to aid helpless or disabled Vets, to promote the proper observance of Memorial Day, instill true patriotism, support the work of the Sons of Union Veteran's Camps, and more.

Each auxiiary chooses its own projects and causes based on the will of its membership. If you would like to receive a printed brochure, just ask and include your surface mail address. The brochure does appear on the National Auxiliary website.

The Griffin Auxiliary 11 is in a rebuilding mode and so is "building" several events throughout the year. Check the "Activities & News Page" often for information on our upcoming activities or see how an activity went. Memorial Day is, by far, our busiest time. However, we also sponsor a Ninth-Grade Girls' Book Award, Remembrance Day in New Hampshire (Nov.19), as well as other activities.

WE WILL CHECK AYLING'S FOR YOUR VETERAN WHO MAY HAVE SERVED WITH A NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIT IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION! Provide his name and your e-mail or surface address and we'll do the rest!
Our Important Days
Nov. 19 Remembrance Day
Nov. 28 Annual Day of Thanksgiving for Peace (4th Thursday)
Feb.12 Lincoln's Birthday
April 9 Appomattox Day
April 12 Ft. Sumter Day
April 15 Lincoln's Death Day
May 30 Memorial Day
June 14 Flag Day
July 4 Independence Day


"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of Freedom, Equality, Justice and Humanity for which American patriots sacrified their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my Country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its Flag, and to defend it against all enemies."


The 94th Department of New Hampshire Annual Encampment was held Saturday, April 20, 2002, at the Historical Society of Cheshire County (HSCC), Lower Main Street (across from Keene State College), Keene, N.H. Sisters and Brothers gathered from around the Northeast Region to celebrate New Hampshire's "convention".

Auxiliary 11 wishes to publicly thank Beaver Street Market Catering [Beaver Street, Keene, N.H., (603) 352-5606] for their donation of two trays of pastries for our morning coffee hour. They were yummy and our guests enjoyed them very much. Thanks, too, to the Yankee Bottle Club of Keene for its emergency provision of coffee and coffee urn--a disaster averted! Please, support these two organizations when you can. Tell them your heard about them through the Auxiliary 11 website.

Thanks are extended, as well, to City of Keene Mayor, Michael E.J. Blastos for the wonderful Proclamations of welcome and thank you for on-going service presented by Aux. 11 President Bonnie J. Tolman to each New Hampshire Auxiliary and Camp. (The full text will be added to the "What's New" page on this website.) A special thanks to Ms. Vicki Flanders in the Mayor's Office for her assistance in coordinating the proclamation for presentation. All were quite surprised to receive such an acknowledgement.

The following Griffin Auxiliary members were installed by New Hampshire resident Sister Cynthia Brown, National ASUVCW Vice-President, to the listed Department of New Hampshire offices:
Bonnie J. Tolman, President

Florence Z. Jennison, Vice-President

Arlene King, Secretary

Phyllis Van Hecke, Press Correspondent

Beverly Marston, Counselor

Alene J. Hall, Nat'l Delegate 1

Susan Emerson, Nat'l Delegate 2

These are one-year terms. It should be mentioned that Br. Daniel Murray of Camp 1, Hillsboro is the new Department Commander. Congratulations and Best Wishes to all Department Officers--Auxiliary and Sons, alike--in the coming year!

Be sure to visit other areas of the website listed in the colored margin...leave a note in the guestbook...send us an e-mail...more!
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A Word About Photos
Do you have photos of the old G.A.R. Hall on Mechanic Street in Keene? How about your Civil War vet? Maybe you snapped the auxiliary in some parade or at some function? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, SHARE THE PHOTOS, please! We'll be adding photos at some point, but for now--this one's nice!
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